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I am Xinhai Zou, I will be your daily supervisor and probably will be with Dave.

Interesting ideas? Do not hesitate to CONTACT ME (xinhai.zou@esat.kuleuven.be); I can make it a master's thesis.

Here are some information may be helpful during your master's thesis life.

Useful Links

For all students

Check List

For super computer, you have another option Condor.

Some Tips or Small Requirements ;)

  1. Lost? CONTACT ME (xinhai.zou@esat.kuleuven.be). I always welcome!
  2. Previous exams for KUL courses? VTK Wiki.
  3. LLM models are good assistant, try to use them! E.g., ChatGPT.
  4. Please use Overleaf, it is more efficient and clearer for paper writing.
  5. If you do not 100% trust your grammar, just like me ;), use Grammarly.
  6. For me, Keras and PyTorch are equal.
  7. For intermediate and final master's defense, inform 2 months in advance.
  8. New to Linux? LinuxSurvival & Quick cheatsheet for Linux.
  9. New to Python? W3Schools-Python.
  10. New to Arduino? Getting Started with Arduino.

For AI master students

MAI Milestone

Academic Year Defense Time
2023-2024 Intermediate 9:00-18:00: 19th, Feb. - 1st, Mar. (1 hr, 25 mins pre)
2023-2024 Final (Jun.) TBD.
2023-2024 Final (Aug.) TBD.

More information about MAI: Student Information Page (MAI)

For EE master students

For Summer Intern students

Xinhai (Sean) Zou 粤ICP备20040781号.
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